padhma creations
"Padhma" is Sanskrit for "lotus" and is pronounced puhd-maa. The lotus symbolizes strength and resilience of the women in the knitting community.
In the mountainous region of Nepal, knitting hats, gloves, and sweaters has been a timeless pastime to keep children warm during the long winters. Country folks live a simple life passed on the traditions and beliefs of their ancestors. In the early 1900s, a Tibetan blend of yak and sheep wool was used to make notorious warm cover-ups.
Inspired by the indigenous motifs and crafts that have existed for generations in the Himalayan region, Padhma makes it their goal to keep the tradition alive and re-craft them through our knitting communities.
Padhma Creations has more than 50 women artisans who have been trained so they can reach economic opportunity through an income generating skill. There are 35 children enrolled in their education program to build the next generation.
Women empowerment through knitting is what Padhma does best. Each month, one knitter can borrow up to $200 at an interest rate of 1%. By being compensated per piece, each woman is given flexibility in terms of hours and skill level. Some women choose to work part-time, and for those who are slower knitters, they are given due time to hone the craft without risk of losing employment. Furthermore, each women exercises control in determining the rate of each piece.