sseko designs


Out of 15 million women in Uganda, 70% live below the poverty line, only 17% will go to high school, and less than 2% will make it to college. 

During a 9 month gap after high school, Ugandans look for jobs to earn money for university. But in an impoverished society, many students struggle to find these jobs... especially women.

If a Ugandan woman works for Sseko Designs, she makes Sseko sandals during those 9 months. The money she earns goes to a bank account to be saved for university tuition. Sseko matches 100% of what she saves so she can go to university. Then, she can graduate, get a job in the formal sector (which includes minimum wage, worker's rights, and policies made for and by other women), have fewer and healthier children, avoid becoming a victim of domestic violence, and enjoy the opportunity to pursue her dreams. The result is educated, strong, and empowered women who will have the power to create a more just and equal society for their community, their country, their continent, and their world.

Sseko designs and sources ethically made products from East Africa. All products are made in Africa and create jobs, empower artisans, and help end the cycle of poverty by building healthy communities and economies.

Wear Sseko, empower a woman, and change her world.


(psssst. Check out their article in Fortune Magazine )